Redflags from ThinkCyber
ThinkCyber deliver secure behaviour change for their customers.
In a context where 90% of cyber-attacks start with the human user, and technical controls can never be 100% effective, organisations need their staff to be the last line of defence. Sadly, traditional approaches to awareness are often infrequent, overly complex, boring or patronising such that less than 15% of people actually change their behaviour.
Instead, ThinkCyber offer the next generation of security awareness. Their Redflags™ software embeds awareness training into the day-to-day user experience, applying behavioural and learning science theory to deliver risk-based, context-sensitive, just-in-time guidance that creates enduring behaviour change.
"We are really excited to be back at a face to face event with customers new and old. We've got so much to share in terms of research and product updates … innovations that just won us techUK's Cyber Innovator of the year 2021. We find that when we get up on that stage and share our ideas and innovations, in ways people can apply themselves, it really resonates with the audience and we thrive on the feedback we then get! The National Cyber Security Show represents our first real opportunity to do that face to face for far, far too long!"
Tim Ward – Co-Founder and CEO, ThinkCyber